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=We Hear God's Word=
=We Hear God's Word=
Leader: When the Son of Man comes in his glory, he will sit on his glorious throne.
'''People: All the nations will be gathered before him,'''
Leader: he will separate the people one from another
'''People: as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.'''
====Psalm 95:1-7====
====Psalm 95:1-7====

Revision as of 19:35, 20 November 2011

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

We Gather in God's Name

Opening Song

Deep Peace

We Hear God's Word

Leader: When the Son of Man comes in his glory, he will sit on his glorious throne.

People: All the nations will be gathered before him,

Leader: he will separate the people one from another

People: as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

Psalm 95:1-7

Read passage online at Bible Gateway (NIV)

Matthew 25:31-46

Read passage online at Bible Gateway (NIV)

We Respond in Prayer

Salvadoran martyr Rutilio Grande said, "It is a dangerous thing to be a Christian in our world."

Prayers for One Another

(Please stand when offering a prayer, so others will know you have the floor.)

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,

for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.


Closing Prayer

Led by a member of the congregation.

We Go in Peace

Passing the Peace of Christ

(Each person says a line of the blessing, adding the name of someone present at the end of the line. If there are more than 8 people present, two or more names may be added at the end of a line).

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, [name]

wherever he may send you, [name]

may he guide you through the wilderness, [name]

protect you through the storm, [name]

may he bring you home rejoicing, [name]

at the wonders he has shown you, [name]

may he bring you home rejoicing, [name]

once again into our doors, [name].